Trish Lober | Moving forward . . .
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Moving forward . . .

Moving forward . . .

Hello friends!

I hope all of you are doing well and seeking the Lord, for He is so good!

I just wanted to check in with you and say that I am making plans to get back in the studio sometime this Summer, if not before.  My upcoming project has not come to fruition as soon as I had thought it would, but I am continuing to move forward nonetheless!  I do have family responsibilities that take preference (and a musical instruction business) but I am working towards getting this thing off the ground.  And – as I said in my last blog post – God’s appointments are always right on time!

Speaking of time – although mine is very limited, there are many things that I want to share with you via this blog – some that have been on my heart awhile . . . and others that the Lord has put there more recently.  Please pray that I would figure out a way to do this more regularly!  The Lord has told us to “make the best use of the time, for the days are evil”, (Eph. 5:16) so I want to do my part!  (Does anyone else feel that time is speeding up??)

I covet your prayers as I continue to prepare for this project and future opportunities.

Continue to be watchful – Jesus IS coming very soon!

In Christ’s rich love,


  • shannon
    Posted at 19:50h, 13 March Reply

    i love this blog post!! I love that you are moving forward with your new project!! You have incredible talents and depthful songwriting! Can’t wait to hear your beautiful new songs coming out!!!

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