Trish Lober | The “No man knows the day or hour” Festival is happening now!
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The “No man knows the day or hour” Festival is happening now!

The “No man knows the day or hour” Festival is happening now!

Hello friends!

The Feast (Festival) of Trumpets, better known as Rosh Hashana, began yesterday at sundown and will continue until tomorrow at sundown.  This is one of the “Feasts of the Lord” commanded to be observed in Leviticus 23:1.   But what I have found exciting for many years now is that an ancient Jewish idiom for this festival is “No man knows the day or the hour”.   There is a reason behind why it is called this, which I won’t take the time to go into right now, but the main point that I want to make is this:  I believe that Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:36 were referring to the Feast of Trumpets!! His audience, being Jewish, was very familiar with all the jewish idioms and would have understood these words that He spoke as a metaphor for this festival.

That said, I believe that the rapture of the church (and yes, I believe there IS a rapture and that it will take place before the tribulation) will take place one of these years on the Feast of Trumpets!  It could be this year (as in NOW), it could be next year, or it could be 5-10 years from now . . . but I believe we are VERY CLOSE to the rapture and the return of Jesus Christ to this earth.  Could I be wrong?  Absolutely!  I am not dogmatic about any of this, but as I have studied so much related to it, especially about the ancient jewish betrothal and wedding ceremony, this is what I have come to believe, so . . . because I am excited about it, I wanted to share it with all of you!

So . . . regardless of which year this prophecy is fulfilled, may we be ready when He blows that trumpet and calls us up!

There’s so much more that I want to share about this, so if you haven’t signed up for my e-mail list, please do so!  I promise you that I’m not one to blow up your inbox daily, so again, fill in the contact form today, so that I’ll have your e-mail address.

Blessings to all!





  • Heidi Harvey
    Posted at 10:50h, 20 September Reply

    Thanks for this post Trish!

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